- A lot, and I mean a lot of people are infected with Magic PS. Especially with Magic PS 1.5 Second Edition. If you don't know what is Magic PS. Magic PS is a trojan, simply a program that steal your Yahoo! Messenger 5 or 6 user name and password to the sender. Magic PS 1.5 SE no longer show itself in the Message Archive, so checking there won't help.
- If the sender is stupid enough, he/she would sent you the file "sender.exe", DO NOT accept it because it is the default name for a MPS created file.
- Check your computer for certain files such as these:
- regsvr.exe in c:\Winnt or c:\Windows ; depends on version of Windows.
- MsAgent32.exe in c:\*Win installed folder*\system 32
- Perflib-Perfdata in c:\*Win installed folder*\System32
- PIF in c:\*Win installed folder*.NTMSJRLN in c:\*Win installed folder*\system32\NtmsData(Sender.exe)
- MPSmmtask0.exe in c:\Documents settings\*User Name*\Local settings\Temp
- The sender.exe (can be any name) file may also contain a text string "UPX-Scrambler RC1.x -> ?OnT?oL". You can see this by using a hex editor, etc.
- MPS 1.5 SE hides the (sender/hacker) Yahoo! ID in the sender.exe file, it is scrambled so even with a hex-editor, you still cannot view it. To reveal the (sender/hacker) Y! ID, simply reverse-engineer the sender.exe file.
- Solution :: Do not receive any executable files from a unknown person on chat.
2: BY using fake login screens.
They ask you to have a look at their picture by sending a link to yahoo fake login screen. It exactly look like mail.yahoo.com page or photos.yahoo.com page.It will ask you to enter your ID & password to login. If you enter your details those login details directly goes into hackers inbox. So be careful of these kind of attacks.
3: Cracking passwords By using Yahoo Password Cracker.
There are many Password crackers out for cracking Yahoo passwords.If you are using a dictionary based password like ? something, 12345, abcdef, Attitude, etc? It takes hardly 3 hours for a good cracker to crack the password.
Solution : Never use dictionary based passwords. Use a password like this..Example : (Sec*)Pass+) . This kind of passwords are impossible to crack