There are two different Solutions,depending on whether you have SP2 installed or not.
If you don’t have SP2 installed :
Locate the file sfc_os.dll,which should be in your system32 folder. Copy it and name it sfc- os.bak. Open this file using a hex editor such us XV132, which is an excellent freeware. This is an extremely simple edit and does not require an editor with advanced features. All you need to do is change to values.
The location of these values will vary depending on whether you’re using windows XP with out a service pack or windows XP with SP1, but the actual hex values to change well be the same.
For windows XP with no service pack installed, go to offset 0000E2B8 (E2B8 hex). For windows XP with SP1, go to offset 0000E3BB (E3BB hex). At those offsets, change the hex value 8BC6 to 9090.
Note: Depending on your hex editor, you may see the value separated by a space, as an “8B C6”.
If you can’t find the values, do not proceed. It could be that your version of XP is different. The edit as described here only applies to English retail versions of windows XP.
If you have SP2 installed :
Disabling system file protection in XP prior toSP2 involved editing the sfc-os.dll file , but the version of sfc-os.dll that comes with SP2 is different, and you cannot disable file protection with it. With SP2, you need to use the previous version of the sfc-os.dll file, which is 5.1.2600.1106 (the one with SP2 is 5.1.2600.2180).
Open sfc.os.dll with a hex editor and go to offset 0xECE9. The values to change are 33 CO 40. Change these to 90 90 90. Save your changes. Rename the file with a bak extension (sfc-oc.bak).
The original exists in to locations: the \windows\system 32 folder, and the \windows\system 32 \dllcache folders. Place a copy of sfc-oc.bak in both these folders. Then in the dllcache folder look for cmd.exe, double-click it, and enter this command:
Next, go to your system 32 folder and do the same thing. Look for cmd.exe, double click it, and enter exactly the same command.
Next, go to your system 32 folder and do the same thing. Look for cmd.exe, double click it, and enter exactly the same command.
Points to remember :
- If you have a problem over writing the files, you can do the copying with in the recovery console, or you can try safe mode.
- The dllcache folder is a hidden folder.
- It is important to copy the file to your dllcache folder first.
- If you’re prompted to pop in your windows CD, clicks cancel.
Once the files have been copied, shut down your computer and restart it. The final step is to disable system file protection in the registry. Go to HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft \windows NT\Current version\win logon. In the right-hand pane, if it doesn’t exist, create a new DWORD value named SFCD is able. Double-click it and enter “FFFFFF9D”. Exit the registry editor and reboot. You’re done.